Cold Laser Therapy
What is Cold Laser Therapy and what are the benefits?
Cold Laser light therapy involves directing infrared laser light into the tissue surrounding an injury. The light energy absorbed by the tissue stimulates the body’s natural cellular pathways to reduce pain and inflammation. Lazer therapy can reduce scar tissue and improve circulation and lymph flow and re-energize the healing process.
What is involved in Cold Laser Therapy?
Application of the cold laser light is by a trained technician, under the supervision of a healthcare professional. The light can penetrate up to 3 inches deep into the tissue to stimulate heat. The treatment will typically take between 3 and 15 minutes and is painless. Between 3 to 20 treatments maybe required, depending on the injury and rate of healing.
How does Cold Laser Therapy work and why is it effective?
Cold Laser light supplies energy to the body in the form of photons or light. Every cell contains a receptor called a “chromophore” which absorbs the energy from the laser light and converts it into metabolic energy (which kick-starts the healing process). The laser energy is absorbed through the skin and causes tissue changes, stimulates tissue repair and creates an analgesic anti-inflammatory effect.
While both acupuncture and cold laser treatment have been associated with endorphin release, the exact mechanisms are not fully understood. Some factors that could contribute to this response include the stimulation of specific acupuncture points or the modulation of neural pathways. The reported feeling of being "drunk" or "high" may be due to the release of endorphins, which are natural pain-relieving and mood-enhancing chemicals. However, more research is needed to comprehensively understand the interplay of these factors and the resulting physiological effects. That being said, many of Dr. Cohen's patients report feeling this phenomenon and as a results often report sleeping much better in the days following treatment.